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Observing in different parts of the country, it is found that tobacco companies continue advertising tobacco products using various strategies. So all the tobacco company should be brought under punishment for violating the law. Activists urged this to respective government authorities in a view exchange meeting on “Challenges and actions for stopping tobacco advertisement to control tobacco uses” on 16 July 2018 organized by BATA and WBB Trust at WBB Trust’s meeting room. ...
The executive magistrate of Dhaka District Administration Farhana Karim has conducted the mobile court operation on 26th November 2015. WBB Trusts' Project Officer Sharmin Akter Rini and Assistant Advocacy Officer Shuvo Karmokar attended the mobile court and distribute sticker, leaflets to the people. ...
shops have been removed for displaying illegal ads at Jigatola area. At the time, a huge amount of foreign cigarettes were destroyed and 12 pedestrians also fined for smoking in the public places. Mobile court warned the shopkeepers about showing illegal advertisement. There was wide response of the public during operations. General people and students collaborate and supported the mobile court spontaneously. The executive magistrate of Dhaka District Administration Sara Sadia Taznin has conducted the mobile court operation on 27th ...
A view exchange meeting arranged jointly by Work for A Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust and Arunodoyer Torun Dol at Alif Model School Jafrabad on 20th August 2015. The meeting has been presided by Md, Al Masud, ED, PMESD. Shahidul Islam and Miraz Hossain from Arunodoyer Torun Dol, Shuvo Karmokar and Abu Ryhan from WBB Trust gave speech in the meeting. ...
About 25 temporary shops including illegal advertisement of tobacco products has been destroyed after taking detention by mobile court lead by S.M. Mahbubur Rahman, GM (Transport) and Executive Magistrate of Dhaka North City Corporation on 10th August 2015. ...