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Prevention is important for sustainable development

Tobacco use, unhealthy food habits and inadequate physical activity is the main reasons of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The youth have to make aware of NCD prevention to reduce the disease among the elders in the future and at present, about 30% of Bangladesh population is youth. Through 1% surcharge collected from tobacco products a Health Promotion Foundation can be formed for disease prevention. During a view exchange meeting held at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences auditorium on 3rd November 2015, speakers express their opinion for establishing Health Promotion Foundation.

The meeting titled "Importance of establishing Health Promotion Foundation for tobacco control and health protection" was chaired by Prof. Dr. Liyakot Ali, VC of Bangladesh University of Health Sciences. Debra Efroymson, Regional Director, Health Bridge; was keynote speaker. Saifuddin Ahmed from WBB Trust, Advocate syed Mahbubul Alam from The Union and Dr. Md. Habibullah Talukder from National Cancer Research Institute and Hospital was present as guest speaker.