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Smoke-free public places and public transports to save non-smokers from passive smoking

Tobacco Smoke is detrimental for smokers and non-smokers. Women and children are largely attacked by passive smoking. According to Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)-2009 30% and 21% adult women are infected by passive smoking at workplaces and public places respectively. About 1 crore women are infected by passive tobacco smoke though they are not smoking directly. Public places and public transports should be made 100% smoke-free. This demand was made from a leaflet campaign jointly organized by Manab Unnayan Sangstha (MUS), BRCT, BEDO, Nirapad Development Foundation (NDF) and WBB Trust at Oparajeyo Bangla Premise of Dhaka University on at 3.00 PM january 10, 2011.